Google Analytics is a valuable tool in managing and marketing your website. From how many visitors come to your site through what was the last page they visited before exiting and so much more can be found in this data. Reviewing this information on a regular basis is critical in managing your website and making future plans. Below are a few of the most important stats you will find in your Google Analytics report.
Bounce rate
This is when a visitor comes to your site and doesn’t go past the first page. This can be the result of a few things:
1. Your content is not engaging and visitors are not inclined to view other pages.
2. Poor web design, if the site takes a long time to load or if the navigation is confusing the visitor will move on to another website.
3. The marketing campaign might be driving the wrong visitors to your site.
Traffic sources
This is the traffic driven to your site by search engines. Additionally, it can tell which of your keywords are performing well and which ones should be replaced.
These numbers tell you which social media sites are sending you the most traffic. This includes Twitter, Facebook and Google+ as well as others. After analyzing this information, you may want to readdress your marketing efforts towards one or several of these social media sites.
Direct traffic is when someone types in your URL or clicks on a link in an email or pdf.
This includes visitors from all sources besides Google Search. It will include social media and bookmarking referrals, as well as regular websites that link to yours.
Users are the number unique visitors that come to your site during a specific time period. Each visitor will be counted only once regardless of the number of times they visit the site.
Page Views
These are the total number of pages visited on your site during the time period selected by all visitors. If you have a high number of page views that is a strong indication that your content is well written and you site has a user friendly design.
Exit page
This metric shows you which pages were the last to be visited by each visitor. Many times the pages that have high exit rates will also be your most popular pages; a higher percentage of views will often correspond to a higher percentage of exits.
Reviewing your Google Analytics on a regular basis will ensure that your site is moving in the right direction or you may have to make some updates to achieve your goals. If you have any question on your Google Analytics or marketing your website in general visit us at