Why should I be blogging?
Blogging on a regular basis has many benefits both from marketing and reputation perspective. From a marketing perspective updating your website is a major component of Google’s algorithm and can be a major influence on where you rank in Google searches. Blogging gives you an opportunity to build deep sites (sites with lots of pages) that is also a component of Google algorithm. Blogs also give you the opportunity to include more keywords into your website. Every blog is a new page on a different subject manor, so each blog has the power of adding more keyword phases to your site, and by doing so you are increasing the opportunity to rank higher over many keywords phases on all the search engines including Google.
By blogging about current trends in your industry or about things going on in business in general, will enhance your reputation while making you look like an expert in your field and that you are current in what is going on in today’s fluid business environment. As you blog about different trends and breaking news you become a resource for people to visit and return to your site to learn about what is going on or to see if previously you blogged about an issue they are addressing now. As you blog more and more you build a library of information visitors can utilize when confronted with a business issue while giving Google more reasons to ranch different pages on your web site.
As you build an audience you will give people a reason to return to your site to read about the latest trends and the newest ideas in your industry. Since your blogs can rank in Google you are giving Google more opportunity to display your website in their search results.