With over a billion Facebook users how can you not be advertising on Facebook. In addition to all those users FB also gives you great tools to target your advertising to your specific audience. One of their great tools is the ability to target market by geographic area. If your market is a specific town or state, we can target only those geographic areas to get the most out of each marketing dollar you spend and not to market in an area you don’t service.
Marketing by gender, age or interests are other ways Facebook lets you target your specific audience. For example, if your market is women over 40 looking to get healthier that live in New Jersey we can target that specific audience. With the ability to target your market this precisely we can take your message and put in front of the people most interested while not investing marketing dollars in an audience that you are not speaking too.
Facebook by the numbers
Facebook’s insights is a tool in FB that you should get familiar with if you are doing any FB advertising. Insights gives you the boring statistical information that is so important to evaluate your advertising and how your advertising dollars should be spent moving forward. It gives you information on:
1. The reach of your posts
2. How many page likes their are
3. The engagements of each posts
Facebook also gives you the statistically information on the ads you run and the posts you boost. What is great about these stats is you get to measure your goals verses the real results of the ads immediately. For instance, if you run a Facebook ad for two weeks with the goal of adding 500 new likes to your page, we know how we are doing during the ad and immediately after the two week period ends. With this timely information we can tweak the next ad before it runs if we need too.
So, the short answer is yes you should be advertising on Facebook and you should also be measuring the performance of your marketing.