Content above the fold, what does this mean?

What content should I put on my website? Where should the content be strategically positioned for maximum benefit?  I am asked these questions all the time when working with my clients on their website content. In today’s blog, we are going to focus what type of content should be included in your site and just Content above the fold, what does this mean?

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5 Points to Discuss with your Web Designer

It is important to have an open and frank conversation with your web designer about a wide range of issues pertaining to your website. Below are 5 discussion points you should include in your meeting with your designer before making a hiring decision. What are your web development needs? The needs of a retail store 5 Points to Discuss with your Web Designer

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Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a valuable tool in managing and marketing your website. From how many visitors come to your site through what was the last page they visited before exiting and so much more can be found in this data. Reviewing this information on a regular basis is critical in managing your website and making Google Analytics

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5 Elements to a Successful Web Design

All business entities today need an online footprint and that starts with a web design that is compelling and encourages the prospect or client to navigate through the website. Below are 5 critical features every web design should include. Graphic Design The look or feel of the website is essential to the success of the 5 Elements to a Successful Web Design

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Defining Your Target Market

Defining your target market is a major element in any marketing strategy, web design is no exception. Whether you market to consumers or other businesses a well-defined target marketing strategy will help make sure your marketing dollars are invested in the areas to produce maximum return. Below a few categories to consider when defining your Defining Your Target Market

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Clear and User Friendly Navigation

The important of clear and user friendly navigation is critical to the success of your website. When people visit your site they have a reason to be on your website; to buy a product, to learn more about your services etc. When your home page or any of your pages in your site loads your Clear and User Friendly Navigation

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Mobile Websites

A mobile website is a separate website from your desktop website and is designed specifically to operate on your smart phone and tablet. Most mobile websites are a water down version of the full desktop website. The mobile websites designed by Global Internet Technologies are full version websites that are designed to work operate fully Mobile Websites

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Google Keywords

Picking the right keywords is critical for getting a page one or page two position on Google with the organic list. Additionally, after selecting the right correct keywords positioning them in the places that Google’s spider software searches is as important as selection the right words. The marketing staff at Global Internet Technologies has the Google Keywords

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