How your offline marketing is supported by your website

  How your offline marketing is supported by your website. The company’s offline marketing strategies needs to be communicate to the website developer.  The company’s website should be the central location for the audience you are reaching through the offline marketing campaign. Whether it’s through print, trade shows, radio or TV you should be utilizing How your offline marketing is supported by your website

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Mobile Websites

mobile websites

Mobile Websites Why are mobile websites so important?  There are 3.5 billion smart phone users in the world today. 81% of Americans own a smart phone and 62% of them have made a purchase using their smart phone. If that isn’t enough information to understand why you need to focus on your mobile websites keep Mobile Websites

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Why should I be Blogging ?

Why should I be blogging? Blogging on a regular basis has many benefits both from marketing and reputation perspective. From a marketing perspective updating your website is a major component of Google’s algorithm and can be a major influence on where you rank in Google searches.  Blogging gives you an opportunity to build deep sites Why should I be Blogging ?

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Facebook Advertising

  With over a billion Facebook users how can you not be advertising on Facebook. In addition to all those users FB also gives you great tools to target your advertising to your specific audience. One of their great tools is the ability to target market by geographic area. If your market is a specific Facebook Advertising

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Is the layout of your website important?

Yes, your website will be viewed on many different browsers and on a variety of screen sizes, the theme and content of the website must be displayed correctly on all of them. There are many elements that must be considered when laying out a website, 3 of the most important are: Clear navigation The navigation Is the layout of your website important?

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Blogging for Beginners

This post “Blogging for Beginners” is an overview of how to get started blogging for the first time.  Many people are very leery of writing and posting a blog. They don’t know where to start and are afraid to do that first update for the world to see. Overtime like with most things you get Blogging for Beginners

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Identifying the correct Key words is an important part of any SEO strategy. Trying to rank for very popular keywords or ones that are never searched is not a successful plan.  Keyword planner software is widely available to do research. These software products can tell you how often a keyword is searched and alternative keywords Keywords

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Facebook Likes

So, you have your Facebook business page set up and you are posting a few times a month but you have no activity, no likes, no shares and no business from it. The issue may be the number of Facebook likes on your page. If you only have a few friends and family who have Facebook Likes

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Custom Built Website

Custom Built Website After making the decision that a new website is needed the next question is do you want a custom built website or a template. While both have their pros and cons the biggest pro for the template is price and the biggest con to a custom built website is you guessed it, Custom Built Website

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Google Ranking Factors

Google Ranking Factors There are too many Google ranking factors to be addressed in one blog. Below we tackle a few of the major contributors that can help or hurt your Google ranking. Content Fresh and original content is a major contributor when discussing Google rankings factors. Creating quality content that is unique to your Google Ranking Factors

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